Empower Your Spiritual Journey

Evolve Your Life

Wisdom, Healing, and Transformations to Learn, Grow and Thrive.

Welcome Your New Year

In Harmony With Your

Discover what your Soul has to share with you about 2025.

Monday, 17 February, 7–9 PM (AEDT) via Zoom

Register to join the FREE Event


Get FREE access to the REPLAY of the Master Class

What Is Higher Guidance – And How to Access It

Learn what Higher Guidance really is and how it works.
Receive a Guided Meditation and experience accessing Higher Guidance for yourself.

Let’s fast track your Personal Evolution.


Spiritual Coaching

Three Sessions


Spiritual Coaching

Eight Week journey

I teach, coach and companion you to…

Awaken, Deepen, and Embody Your Spirituality.

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual evolution?

I am here to guide you on your transformative path, helping you unlock the boundless potential that lies within you. Together, we will embrace change, access higher guidance, and explore powerful techniques for learning, integration, and healing.

With an open heart, compassion, and unwavering presence, I offer personalised support to help you connect with the essence of your Soul and ground it into your everyday life. You will gain the clarity and resources you need to navigate life’s challenges with ease and grace.

Now is the perfect moment to honour your inner wisdom and take bold steps toward your true potential.

Empower your spiritual journey, ignite transformation, and evolve your life as you thrive in alignment with your true purpose.

People's Experiences


Psychic Readings

Receive clear, accurate guidance and inspiration. Advice is offered to help you be aligned with choices that serve your highest good. You will be left with greater understanding, clarity, confidence and peace.

90 minute session

Energy Healings

Relax and allow energetic, clearing, alignment and integration, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. After the healing there is consultation time to bring clarity about what occurred during the healing.

90 minute session

Past Life Regression

You will see, feel and experience 1-3 past lives. Healing and consultation is also offered to help you integrate your past life experiences.

3 hour session

AWAKENING Spiritual Coaching

Find out how Three Sessions of AWAKENING Spiritual Coaching can be a wonderful introduction to help you discover your gifts and embrace transformation.

30 minute – Spiritual AWAKENING Strategy Session

COMMUNION Spiritual Coaching

Find out how an Eight Week Journey of COMMUNION Spiritual Coaching can help you to more deeply discover your gifts, embrace transformation, and embody your true potential.

30 minute – COMMUNION session