Can I Channel?
Stefan Markworth

Stefan Markworth


In this bustling world, we often find ourselves navigating through various energies—some uplifting, some draining. Yet, how often do you pause to consider that you are not just a passive receiver of these energies, but an active channel for them?

Busy World

Take a moment: What are you feeling right now? What type of energy is flowing within you, around you, and into the world through your being?

Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are a channel for energies. From the subtle vibrations that move through your body to your emotions that ripple outward.

Energy is always moving through you, influencing both your internal state and the world around you.

But how can you become more aware of this?

The home of accessing your own felt experience and conscious awareness of your energy is your Heart Centre. This sacred space, also called your Heart Chakra, resides in the centre of your chest.

Your Heart Centre is the part of you where the lower three dimensional parts of your human awareness meets the higher dimensional aspects of you.

By being in your Heart Centre you are able to feel and experience the union between the physical and the spiritual, between the personal and the transpersonal.

It is from your Heart Centre that you can connect with your Soul and your Higher Self, and also to other beings of Love and Light in Spirit.

Of great benefit to you, first and foremost your Heart Centre gives you access to your own Love and Light, and also to your own divinity, your inherent oneness with God, the source of all that is.

It is from your Heart Centre that you are best equipped to scan your physical body, your Chakras, and all your energy bodies, to become more aware of what types of energies you are holding, and that have been working through you in unconscious ways.

Your Heart Centre is the regulator of your energy, much like your physical heart pumps blood through your body.

It is from your Heart Centre that you have the power to consciously choose what types of energies you want to work with, and to then control and direct these energies.

This empowers you to be intentional about the energies you invite into your being and the ones you radiate out into the world. This could be the energy of peace, compassion, oneness, clarity and truth, higher guidance or healing.

Being Happy

Being in your Heart Centre, feeling your own Love and Light and then sending this outwards, is in many ways natural. However, mastering the art of channelling requires practice and presence.

Many of us spend a lot of time in our heads trying to solve things, or feeling emotions in our lower energy centres, and our awareness can easily become distracted and fragmented.

What is really needed is your choice to be present from the centre of your being.

So, I invite you to breathe deeply. Bring your energy and awareness to your Heart Centre. Feel the Love and Light that resides within you, and let this flow freely. Know that you are a channel for something beautiful and profound.

In the ups and downs of life do not forget the power you hold within you. The ability to choose to bring yourself back to your Heart Centre, to experience your essence, and to be a channel of Love and Light, illuminating the world around you with your divine presence.

If you’re feeling called to explore your role as a sacred channel and gain insight into how you can support yourself, I offer one-on-one AWAKENING Spiritual Coaching sessions.

Also available, Psychic Readings, Energy Healings and Past Life Regressions.


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