Hi, I’m Stefan…

I am here to support your experience of essence, truth, love and oneness.

I am an intuitive guide, healer and teacher. I offer clear, accurate guidance and a calm, gentle, healing energy supported by deep presence.

I teach, coach and companion people to awaken, deepen, and embody their spirituality.

I am available for Psychic Readings, Energy Healings, and Past Life Regression sessions. I also offer one-one-one Intuitive Coaching sessions and classes.

How I Work

These principles define my work with you...


I bring years of dedication to refining spiritual practices and finely tuned psychic abilities to support you.

I ensure that the space I hold for you is clear, safe and professional.


I embody a calm, gentle, healing energy.

I bring compassion, empathy and support to what you are experiencing.


We access higher guidance, awareness and wisdom to help you experience truth with clarity.

I support you to live your life in alignment with what serves your highest good.


With hope and inspiration, I offer you ways to make the most of whatever life offers you.

I help you foster trust and faith in yourself, in other people and in the universe.


I empower you with experience.

I share safe, accessible tools and techniques, to help you to face your blocks, discover your strengths, and find new possibilities for positive change.


At the core of my work is the sacred intention to assist you to feel and experience your essence and the way we are all one with all there is.

After a session with me you will feel greater peace, joy and clarity. You will be more in touch with your essence and unconditional love.

To experience how I can support you...

Meet Stefan...

Over the past twenty five years Stefan has met, experienced and learned from a range of spiritual traditions and various teachers from around the world including in India, Nepal, Ireland, England, Turkiye, Syria, Lebanon and also here in Australia. 

At the heart of all mystical traditions is something very special, to genuinely know spiritual truths you need to feel and experience them for yourself. 

Stefan has more than ten years of experience teaching, coaching and companioning people on their personal spiritual journeys. Helping them to foster and develop their own connection and experience of the divine, and what this means to them.

What is special about how I teach, coach and practice?

In all the teaching and coaching I do, I model, transmit and teach you empowering techniques that you can take away with you, practice in your own time, and integrate into your life.

I share guidance that it serves your highest good to know. In this way I offer you what will genuinely help your personal development.

I guide you to confidently integrate and effectively use the tools and techniques I share with you.

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What Is Higher Guidance – And How to Access It

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