God is known by many names and everyone has their own experience of God. Some see God as a Higher Power, others as the Source of All, or even as the Unified Field of Everything.
What if I told you that God is the essence of who and what you really are?
I recently worked with a client who shared a memory of her Soul’s choice to separate from God and venture out on its own. This choice stemmed from a deep desire in her Soul to learn and grow, from having fun meeting, exploring and creating with other Souls.
As my client shared this, I really felt the innocence and purity of her Soul’s intentions.
My client shared this memory in the context of her current experiences of longing and searching for union in this life.
You might mostly identify with your Soul’s choice to individuate and feel separated from God, however this is not the whole truth of your current situation.
What you are at the core of your essence is, always has been, and always will be, at one with God.
The question is not, “Why did I choose to leave God, and how do I get back?”
The real question to ask yourself is, “In this moment, parts of me are choosing to feel seperate from God. In this moment, how can I feel and experience being at one with God?”
What is in the way of my experience of God?
The best way to answer, “What is in the way of your experience of God?”, is without judgement, and with unconditional love and compassion, explore why your Soul chose to have an experience of individuation, of feeling what it is like to leave God, to be separated from God, and also to feel the deep yearning for reunion.
Unless every part of your being is in total agreement that your learning, growth and evolution is no longer served by the experiences that separation offers you, then you will continue to be in a spectrum of separation from God.
And this is OK. There is nothing to judge. You can be in the spectrum of separation, and still feel your connection and oneness with God.
Where is God?
Some people imagine that God is somewhere else. This might be in ‘Heaven’, in another dimension, somewhere way above you, or some other place that you can not reach.
In truth God is everywhere. God is within you and all around you. And you can feel and experience God anywhere and at any time.
What is God like?
The best way for you to answer, “What is God like?”, is for you to connect to God, and for you to feel and experience what God is for yourself.
Very simply, from my experience, being with God feels like pure divine unconditional love.
For me it is an ongoing practice to exercise, how much pure divine love of God can I accept, can I allow myself to feel and experience, and how much of this energy can I ground through me and into the world.
What do I need to do before I can connect to God?
You do not need to do anything, or achieve anything, to be considered ‘worthy’ of God.
God is pure divine unconditional love.
It is only ever parts of yourself that you allow to get in the way of your connection to God. This might be self judgement, feelings of not being worthy, having resistance to accepting and feeling love, having an over identification with the material world, thinking and being in your mind, and being in lower vibrational emotions and energies such as fear, worry, anger, frustration, guilt and regret.
In this moment, with no judgement and with unconditional love, simply welcome and accept all of your humanness.
Then take your time to breathe deeply, still your mind, calm your emotions, be present in your Heart Centre, and you will be able to feel God.
The truth is, you are always connected to God.
As your Soul chose to separate from God, God said, “Dear one, as you go and explore, although it may not always seem like it, I Am always with you”.
Do I need to believe in God?
It is natural and healthy to doubt if God exists. And to ask, “If God does exist, is it even possible for me to connect to God, to feel God or to know God in any way?”
You do not need blind faith, or even to believe. All you need is to be open to the possibility that you can feel and experience what God is like. All you need is an open mind and an open heart.
To begin, I recommend proclaiming, “If God exists, and if I can connect to God, then show me. Show me what connecting to God feels like”.
By asking to feel and experience your union with God, you will.
How do I feel and experience God?
If God is always within you and all around you, how do you feel and experience God?
God is most present and accessible to you in your Heart Centre. This sacred part of you is also called your Heart Chakra, and is located in the centre of your chest.
Some people refer to this as the zero point of your being, where you and God are one.
By bringing your energy and awareness to your Heart Centre, you can feel your essence, the love and light at the very core of your being, where you are at one with God.
Connecting to God, feeling and experiencing God’s presence, energy, pure divine unconditional love, and higher guidance, is one of the best ways you can support yourself, your own learning, growth and ongoing evolution, and also to help other people in the best ways possible.
It is up to you, to choose to remember that God is within you and around you. And it is up to you, how much you choose to feel and experience what God has to offer you, here and now.
In many ways, connecting to God is easy and natural. However, for many of us it requires patience, presence and practice.
If you’re feeling called to explore your relationship with God, I offer one-on-one AWAKENING Spiritual Coaching sessions.
Also available, Psychic Readings, Energy Healings and Past Life Regressions.