Your heart centre is the meeting place of heaven and earth, of the spiritual and the physical.
Your Heart Centre is your Heart Chakra. This is an energy centre located in the centre of your chest, near your physical heart.
Your Heart Chakra is located above your three ‘lower’ chakras, which help you navigate and interact with the physical world, and below you ‘higher’ chakras that connects you to energetic and spiritual intelligence.
Due to its location and purpose, your Heart Chakra operates as a gateway, bridge and mediator between the parts of yourself concerned with living in the physical, three dimensional world, and the parts of yourself that have access to the energetic, spiritual and higher dimensional realms of reality.
Your Heart Chakra’s primary function is to help you feel, experience and relate to Unconditional Love. Your Heart Chakra gives you access to Unconditional Love within you, and also to the unlimited flow of universal Unconditional Love that is all around you.
Your ‘higher’ chakras give you access to powerful creative energies including communication, imagination, intelligence and connection to the divine. The best way to use and integrate these powers with your experiences of the physical world, that includes your safety and security, your sexuality and ability to create, and your emotions and personal power, is by mediating and harmonising these through the grace and wisdom of Unconditional Love, that your Heart Centre gives you access to.
Why is being in my Heart Centre beneficial?
When you are in your Heart Centre, you are able to feel and experience your own Love and Light, and access the presence, energy and support of your Soul and the Pure Spirit of your Higher Self.
One of the most powerful steps you can take towards calming your nervous system, stilling your mind, clearing your energy and putting protection in place, is being in your Heart Centre.
It is from your Heart Centre that you can access your different psychic abilities. For example,
- Clairvoyance – clear seeing
- Clairaudience – clear hearing
- Clairsentience – clear feeling
- Claircognizance – clear knowing
It is from your Heart Centre that you can connect with your Personal Spirit Guide, and beings of Love and Light in spirit.
Also, during shadow work and self enquiry, it is from your Heart Centre that you can connect with the parts of you that need to be felt and listened to, for healing and integration.
Many of us spend a lot of time in our heads, and we can experience over thinking, stress, worries, tension and a lack of presence as a result. So bringing your energy from within and around your head, down to your Heart Centre is very beneficial. Your mind, thoughts and feelings, can be calmed and stilled. Your nervous system can also be relaxed and calmed. With a calmer, more peaceful mind and nervous system, it is much easier for you to be present, to feel and experience energies, to access your Soul, and your intuition and psychic abilities.
The importance of breathing deeply
The more deeply you breathe, the more you will feel.
For meditation and energy work it is best to take long slow deep breaths. To begin with, this helps you focus your attention and to calm your nervous system.
Breathing deeply is crucial to help you feel and experience energy.
You can use your breathing to bring your energy and your awareness to your Heart Centre.
You can also use your breath to breathe in the energies you are choosing to connect with. This will help you feel and experience these energies with more awareness and clarity.
How to breathe deeply
To take deeper, fuller breaths it is best to breathe into your abdomen, then allow your diaphragm to expand, and then your chest to expand.
An easy way to check this is happening is to place one hand on your abdomen, and the other hand on your chest. As you breathe in, first allow the hand on your abdomen to be gently pushed out by your expanding stomach area. When your abdomen is full, continue breathing in and air will begin to fill your chest, and your hand on your chest will be pushed outward.
As you breathe out, first your abdomen will contract inwards and then your chest.
How to be in your Heart Centre
There are different ways to bring your awareness and energy to your Heart Centre.
- You can use your will.
- You can use a prayer and invocation to focus your intention.
- You can use visualisation.
- You can use your breath.
- And you can also hold your hand over your Heart Centre to help activate it.
It is good to try different techniques and find out which ones help you.
For me, I find using my intention and using my breath is the most effective, to help me be in my Heart Centre.
If you would like to explore what being in your Heart Centre is like, I offer one-on-one AWAKENING Spiritual Coaching sessions.
Also available, Psychic Readings, Energy Healings and Past Life Regressions.