Would you like to know how to clear your own energy? Do you have an interest in knowing how to clear the energy of rooms and other spaces?
Just as personal physical hygiene is important, it is also highly beneficial to be able to consciously clean and clear own personal energy.
Simply by living our lives, during the day we are often energetically touching, mingling and subtly collecting various types of energy that don’t belong to us, and often don’t serve us.
Conscious energetic clearing is also a crucial step if we choose to work in any ways that involve energy exchange, offering readings, channelling, healing work, mediation, bodywork, massage and any other work that involves interacting with another person’s energy field, including their mental, emotion and physical space.
During this class simple steps are shared to help you become aware of energetic clearing and ways you can begin practicing energetic clearing yourself.
6 week Essence Experience Series
$240 – $195 concession
Per class
$45 – $38 concession
For more information and to book in…